• Alternadiv.com's XenForo Demo

    This is a block notice using "accent" styling to show what a notice looks like.

  • This is a scrolling notice to show what a scrolling notice would look like on a paticular style. "Light" styling is shown.
  • This is another scrolling notice. "Dark" styling is shown.
  • Hey, look! A scrolling notice with "Primary" styling.
  • Can... can it be a scrolling notice with "Accent" styling?!

RSS Attachment max size?

This is a thread prefix description to let know you that this thread came from an RSS feed
I know there are some older posts about this but wanted to get current recommendations. My forum is focused on planted aquariums and members post high res pics of their aquariums. I'm constantly getting pushback about my current 3 mb size limit.

Anyone have thoughts on whether this is appropriate or if I can/should increase the size limit?

My uneducated concern is slowing down the site with very large image files.

Thanks in advance,


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